Shows In This Series
Title | Production Date | |
SunsetLIVE! with Gandy Dancers SunsetLIVE! is a concert series hosted by the town of Avon, Colorado, featuring local and regional musicians. Gandy Dancers is a folk project spearheaded by Kevin Danzig, a workhorse of the local live music scene. He and his band perform a bluegrass-influenced covers & originals – the type...Watch now » |
Wed, 08/09/2023 |
Volunteer Productions Promo Check out our media education page @ to find out how you can get involved to film and broadcast other live events. This promo was produced by Angie Hernandez.Watch now » |
Mon, 09/13/2021 |
Mysterious Forces SunsetLIVE! is uniquely Avon and the perfect venue to wind down your weekend, so gather your friends and family, bring a lawn chair, picnic basket and prepare to enjoy a relaxing Rocky Mountain sunset!Watch now » |
Fri, 08/13/2021 |
Avon Live! Turntable Revue This volunteer community producer created video of the Avon Live! Concert Series features local musicians Turntable Revue performing at the Nottingham Stage in Avon. High Five Access Media offers opportunities for the community to get experience with video equipment. Created by youth volunteers...Watch now » |
Thu, 08/15/2019 |
Radio Free Minturn Radio Free Minturn is a community-based FM radio station located in the historic town of Minturn, Colorado - unlike any other in the Eagle County listening area. RFM's mission is to serve the Eagle Valley community by providing radio programming that will reflect the musical and cultural...Watch now » |
Tue, 02/13/2018 |