Game of the Week

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Game of the Week showcases local high school athletes on local community access television, streaming platforms and social media. In addition, it offers education and experience for youth and adults to learn about television production.Community volunteers have taken ownership of all areas of production, including video camera operation, technical directing, reporting and announcing, and social media marketing.

We’re looking for volunteers interested in production of live high school sports in the Vail Valley. Hone your skills, explore the world of video, and get experience on a professional production. No experience necessary. These positions are learning opportunities designed to help you leave each shoot with increased confidence. Think of it as on-the-job training!

Game of the Week includes multi-sport coverage of several local high schools, presented by Alpine Bank and Gallegos Corporation. Our coverage includes local volunteer talent behind the scenes. If you’re interested in getting involved as a volunteer community producer, email our Education Coordinator, Casey Russell, at

Thank You to Our Game of the Week Underwriters!

Underwriters help defray production costs to cover high school sports and theater productions, graduations, parades and other community events. High Five Access Media offers opportunities for students and volunteers to work behind the camera and improve their skills and gain experience.

game of the week