Core Transit

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Core Transit believes every journey should be an empowering and gratifying experience.

As a user-friendly, multimodal transportation authority Core Transit invites you to navigate Eagle County safely, easily, and affordably. Our lively crew of experts drive home the benefits of public transportation with reliable, light-hearted, and rewarding service that unites us.

The Core Transit Board of Directors meets on the second Wednesday of each month at noon. The meetings are open to the public. Agendas and minutes are available here.

more ways to access

  • Core Transit Board of Directors Podcast

    Catch up on the go with HIgh Five's coverage of the Core Transit Board of Directors. Listen in the car, on a jog, or in the background, all while saving data. All of our coverage of official proceedings are now available on Apple Podcasts.

  • On Internet Archive

    Looking for an older meeting? We've got archives going back a couple of years, and it's always expanding!

core transit