Gore Rangers vs. Soroco Rams (Girls Volleyball)

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The Vail Mountain School Gore Rangers take on the Soroco Rams in this girls volleyball tilt.

Game of the Week is High Five Access Media's coverage of local high school sports, presented by Alpine Bank and Gallegos Corporation.

Thank you to our volunteer camera operators, announcers and reporters!

High Five Access Media's mission is to empower the local community, through media education and technology, to become civically engaged, express ideas, and advocate for causes. We are a nonprofit, noncommercial community access media center located in Avon, Colorado. We serve Eagle County by providing video production education, access to professional equipment, and distribution of programming on local cable television on Comcast Channel 5, and across internet and social media platforms. In addition, we provide coverage of government proceedings, nonprofits, and community events.

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Production Date: 
Friday, September 27, 2024

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