High Five Access Media Day 2024

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October 18, 2024

The towns of Avon, Vail and Minturn declared Oct. 20, 2024, as High Five Access Media Day! Read the full proclamation from the town of Minturn.

High Five Access Media empowers Eagle County with media education workshops and access to local government proceedings. Via Comcast Channel 5 and our website livestream, our community is able to watch video programming made by locals, for locals.

As cable subscribers "cut the cord" in favor of streaming services, our funding is in danger and community support is crucial.

Help Us Continue to Serve!

Why Support Us?

- Help educate the community on local government issues that impact lives

- Foster connections between nonprofits and community members

- Equip creative youth and adults with media skills for the digital age

Your support on High Five Access Media Day empowers our community voice!

Contact: JK Perry


